The Mission - Making Disciples Who Make Disciples
This is the mission of every Christian church according to the Great Commission given to us by Jesus before He left. And when He left, He left us the Holy Spirit to empower us to that end – to make disciples of all nations.
Our Values
We desire to be intentional in the Word
We envision a people who intentionally seek after God and His will for every believer in accordance with His Word. This means that for us, and certainly for all Christians, the Bible is the final authority for faith and life.
We fulfill this by studying directly from the Word during Sunday morning services, offering weekly classes, and encouraging each other throughout the week to read His Word in good times and bad.
Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21; Acts 17:10-15
We desire to be intentional in Worship
We envision a people who intentionally worship God in spirit and in truth. This means offering up our lives to God to use as He has prepared us to be used, encouraging others in the same, and giving God the glory in all things.
We fulfill this during our Sunday morning praise & worship service, prayer, and continually aligning ourselves with how God has instructed us through His Word to handle His presence.
Psalm 96:7-9; John 4:23-24; Romans 12:1-2; 2 Samuel 6:1-15
We desire to be intentional in Community
We envision a people who intentionally and genuinely care for their community, offering first and foremost the hope of Jesus and what He did for humanity on the cross. Just as important is how we can practically help those in need through food, clothing, and shelter.
We fulfill this primarily through our Bread of Life Sunday ministry and our Crossroads Connect ministry, and our financial support to various missions groups.
Isaiah 58:8-10; Matthew 25:35-40; 2 Timothy 4:2